AIM: To develop a piece of photographic work that would bridge the Physical world with the virtual world and demonstrate the closeness between the two.
I feel this was a challenging topic but I have taken a lot from it and in the end I was pleased with my final pieces This will hopefully also be a foundation for something I will continue working on in a later project as I feel the final images could be fine tuned. For example, better clarity. I also think the project will always look better in the future as video game graphics are constantly improving which could only mean good things for this project if I continue it in the second year of the BA.
I often learn best from creating work and responding to it but for this project I took a slightly different approach. Instead of generating work on a topic I knew nothing about I decided to use something I already knew about and change its context ( eg Video Games) I also used many more obvious sources such as things I am confronted with everyday. I felt the best way to form useful research on such a contemporary theme was to look at things as recent as possible and mix this with the relevant history and then later artists.
I feel my strength throughout this unit was my ability to create what I feel is a piece of unique relevant work and follow through my initial thoughts despite thinking they could fail even up until the last point. Main weakness were that my abilities with certain software were not up to scratch. I knew I had a solid concept that I wanted to portray but found it difficult to execute some of the images due to lack of some specialist equipment. I have also realized that my Photoshop skills need improving.