'So girls do have ears!' and blog titles dont matter.

Originally I wanted the entire project to be archived completely online so that it would have no physicalities. However, displaying my final images and preparing the blog for marking this has come to be a problem.
Firstly the images appear better if they are taken off the screen. After all they are usually viewed on a computer screen so to take them out of context and print them and frame them allows them to be viewed in a different context.
For marking I was asked to print off my blog, but this also defeats the object of not having my research work in a physical form.
After reading Stallabrass's 'Internet Art' It highlighted to me other benefits for creating work only internet based. There are obvious things such as materials but the main factor is the interactive factor of the internet. For example videos can be played on my blog but not in the printed copy also things like live links can be added to the online blog but can obviously not be used on the paper copy.