Trying to decide whether or not to display my final prints in frames or not. At first I was sure I was going to as it fully breaks all connections with video games if their in a frame and behind a piece of glass. However I did notice that the frames did eat up the image. the expression people used to say to me on the foundation was, ' Don't let a fancy frame eat your image' and that's exactly what it felt like it was doing. I also think they are the complete wrong style of frame and dint realise up until this point how important framing images is.
Instead I positioned the images in the centre of a nice sheet of Glossy 270gsm paper which really made the images come out. I realised straight away that this was the better option, also with the negative space around the image it allowed the viewer to inspect each photograph individually and become drawn in compared to getting lost when they were in frames.
Goodbye Frames!