Paul Brill.

Paul Brill: 1554-1626 Flemish Painter

Paul Brill was also an artist from the Baroque Era, again as many painters of the time did Brill also includes people throughout his landscapes.

Although Brill's and Neer's paintings were created around a similar time they both contain very different qualities. Again in terms of similarities in picture composition many landscape photographs today show signs of framing their images in similar ways to Brill.

When creating my own images I am going to refer to Artists such as Brill and Neer as well as modern day photographers as I want my images to stand ground and good landscapes and not just as images to backup a concept. It is also going to be more difficult using computer generated imagery as the area in which i am investigating especially video games tend not to contain connotations of photography or art. Therefore I may have to rethink the context in which the final images are displayed. The images I have printed as a physical copy have worked far better than those displayed on a screen.i think this is because printing them and placing them in a frame then takes away all connections with video games and computers and places then in a fresh field, allowing the viewer to generate their own uninfluenced view on the images.